Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chocolate Banana Ice-Cream

From the Healthy Dessert Blog

I have been meaning to try this recipe for awhile, but was skeptical about how I'd like it. I couldn't get the image of the mushy frozen bananas I use for banana bread out of my mind. But today I was hungry and it sounded like a good snack! I figured that about 1/3 of the recipe was 2 carbs, which is just the amount I'm allowed to have (gestational diabetes). I will definitely be making this again when I have 3 more bananas to freeze! It's yummy, and pretty rich. If I made it for Andy I'd use bananas that weren't overripe, as I think it would be less banana-y that way. (But he can eat normal ice cream, so I probably won't need to!)

Chocolate Fudge Soft Serve
  • 3 medium bananas, frozen in chuks (ripe--mine were spotty but not black) 
  • 1 tsp vanilla 
  • 1/16 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 3-4 tsp milk
  • sugar to taste (optional, I didn't use)
  • 3-5 tbsp peanut butter or another nut butter of choice, opt (I used PB)
Combine all ingredients in a blender (or food processor)and blend until smooth. (If you scoop it all into a container and freeze about 10-15 minutes, the texture will also become a bit firmer like ice cream, as opposed to soft serve.)